Category: The Daily
Go Ahead, Have a Seat
Sometimes the path you take can be long and winding. It’s okay to sit and rest for a bit.
Welcome to the Garden
In a little garden near the Metra Station in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, if you look close you may get a nice, little, “Welcome.”
Adam Gaynor of Matchbox 20
It’s Concert Archive Thursday! From 1998, at The Aragon Ballroom in Chicago, it’s Adam Gaynor from Matchbox 20.
Not the Rio Grande
In an epic fail of looking at a map, I mistakenly told my wife that this was the Rio Grande river. Even I thought it was a little small. Turns out it was the Albuquerque Riverside Drain.
Let Your Week Soar
Like The Red Arrows, the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team, set yourself up to soar!
Tiny Church
Outside of Kona, Hawaii, there is a tiny church, St. Peter’s by the Sea. Built in 1880, if you drive too fast on Ali‘i Drive, you will probably miss it!