Category: The Daily
Spring Tree Bloom
We are lucky enough to live near The Morton Arboretum in Illinois. Spring is an awesome time to live near a well-run arboretum, or heck, any type of tree or flower garden place. Yup, tree blooms don’t last that long, but when they pop, they are awesome! (Picture is from The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, Illinois…
Turtle Togetherness
One of the places I used to love to take a walk was Cricket Creek around the Addison, Illinois area. There was a lot of wildlife to be found, and on this day a group of box turtles were hanging out on some driftwood, as box turtles are want to do. (Picture from Cricket Creek,…
Morning Swim
On a slightly foggy morning at The Springbook Prairie Forest Preserve, ducks enjoy the sun rising on a new day. #DailyImageByAndy #ducks
Taking Flight
The Blue Heron looks like a clutzy kind of bird. Watch one long enough, though, and you will see that they are graceful creatures.
Orchid Beauty
Orchids are stunning flowers, even more stunning in a botanical garden where they can bloom freely!
Looking Up Can Be Interesting
Looking up can give you a different perspective of an everyday object.