Category: The Daily

  • Different Ideas of Comfort

    Different Ideas of Comfort

    On a tour of ancient ruins, I wore shoes that I figured would be good for some rugged areas. While seeing the sites, I spotted a pair of people in front of me with completely different ideas of appropriate footwear for a “city” some 2,000 years old. (Photo from Pompei, Italy. May 22, 2018)

  • Family Float

    Family Float

    Fine, the family of ducks isn’t really floating in the river as you can’t see their duck feet moving beneath them, but it sure looks like it!

  • Happy Boy

    Happy Boy

    The Coton de Tulear is generally a happy dog. Our boy, Milo, likes to smile a lot, which makes us happy.

  • Night Wing

    Night Wing

    I don’t know what is in my psyche that enjoys flying, or why I love taking pictures from planes? As I usually fly during the day, it was exciting seeing the simplicity of the lights on a wing, in the middle of the night. (Picture from: Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean, October 10, 2017)

  • Popping in the Sun

    Popping in the Sun

    A bright sun brings out the popping colors in these wild flowers along a walking path.

  • Snakey Looking Sunrise

    Snakey Looking Sunrise

    On an early flight to Florida years ago, the sun was just starting to come up as we were flying over The Sunshine State. Looking out the window, as I am wont to do on a plane, it was pretty cool seeing the sun reflect along the canals of Florida. (From somewhere over Florida, January…

  • Daffodil


    As the spring flower season begins to come to a close, let’s not forget one of the early bloomers, the simple daffodil. Nothing says the start of spring in some places as much as the daffodil.

  • Flowery Snack

    Flowery Snack

    I don’t like others watching me eat, but this butterfly, or moth, or other general winged creature, didn’t seem to mind my intrusion.

  • Let Others Hold You Up

    Let Others Hold You Up

    Back in the day when I reviewed concerts, I had been to my share with great mosh pits and crowd surfing. The challenge was always being in the photo pit and not getting kicked in the head by said crowd surfers.

  • Sleepy Time

    Sleepy Time

    It was sleepy time! I get jealous of animals that can just sleep, anywhere, with anyone around. I mean, sure, the pig, or maybe a hog, I never know the difference, is stuck in a cage, but they still just look so content catching some Zzzzzz’s. (Picture from: Wisconsin State Fair – August 11, 2016