Category: The Daily
No Running Scared This Year
For animal lovers, the cancellation of The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, for 2020, and now 2021, is a wonderful thing. For those who were the daredevils, 2021 is another sad year when there will be no running scared. Feeling about the bulls aside, The San Fermin Festival is a wonderful spectacle for…
Happy Soup
While I may be older, I still like to play with my food. When we got some fancy soup, and had to add the extra pieces, I immediately saw a happy face in the various pieces parts. I especially like the unibrow.
Not Gonna Catch ‘Em
While enjoying a sunrise, I saw some runners on the beach. In my head I envisioned they were racing each other and the person lagging behind had no chance of catching the person way up ahead.
Tall Man, Low Ceiling
While walking down a hallway on the way to the train in Italy, this man was in front of us. He was tall. I mean, way tall. The hallway, on the other hand, not so tall. It was a low ceiling for him. He could probably touch the ceiling if he wanted to.
Relax and Play
Europe has lots of statues. Some are historic, and some are just a boy, leaning, playing a flute. Maybe we can learn some things from these old statues.
Lilac Appetizer?
In many places I have lived there have been lilac bushes. I have to admit that at no time did the the thought, “Can you eat the lilac flowers?” come into my head. Then, one day, at a lovely dinner at Smyth and The Loyalist in Chicago, part of our menu had lilacs. They tasted…
It’s Okay to Be Lazy
If you ever want to learn how to be lazy at times, just watch a dog. This picture is of our dog, Milo, a Coton de Tulear. He knows how to be lazy when he wants to be!
Coming to Get Ya!
Looking up at the clouds takes me back to when I was a youngster. There were many days I would look at the clouds and pretended they looked like a dog, bird, or flower. This cloud, to me, reminds me of the giant, Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man from the Ghostbusters movie. I’m sure you may see…
A Gate With No Purpose
If you walk around St. James Farm Forest Preserve in Warrenville, IL, you might find a gate. That’s not a huge surprise on a farm since farms usually have lots of gates. What is surprising is that this gate is just in the middle of a field, not really stopping anyone from getting to the…