Category: The Daily
Dave Amato – REO Speedwagon
This picture of Dave Amato is from an August, 1996 concert at The New World Music Theatre in Tinley Park, IL, outside of Chicago. In the REO Speedwagon world, Dave Amato took over for Gary Richrath on guitar back in 1989. (Image from my Entertainment Ave! concert archives!)
Art or Vandalism?
When visiting southern parts of Europe, well, that’s really the only Europe I’ve visited so I can’t really comment on the north, but there is a lot of graffiti. It stretches the limit, at times, between art or vandalism. While technically vandalism, I suppose, a lot of the graffiti is quite striking, beautiful works of…
Soggy Picnic
Normally this location would be a scenic place for a picnic. The pond usually has a bunch of ducks cruising around, the occasional Canadian goose, and you can hear the croaking of frogs in the distance. If the rains come, however, unless you want a soggy picnic, you’ll have to wait for the waters to…
Ready to Hide
I find chipmunks fun little creatures, always scurrying around. You see them, they seem content just standing there, looking at you, but I believe they are, at every minute of their life, aware of a place to hide.
Gaudi Cross
In Barcelona, Spain, there are many versions of the Antoni Guadi cross. Many stories abound about why he always created crosses in 3-D, one being that it symbolized the cross’ messsage spreading to the four corners of the earth. The story I like the most, however, is he erected crosses in this manner so that…
Light Fixture From Below
I like to look at things from a different perspective. Many times it creates a different view of an ordinary object. In this case, I was going to take a picture of some food on the table when, before I flipped the lens, I caught a glance of the light fixture over the table and…
The Friendly Flower
I always remember, in the movie, “You’ve Got Mail,” the line of how daisies are friendly. Not all daisies are white, in fact daisies have come a long way, like these gold and bronze coreopsis from Uptick. (Image from: Ball Horticultural – July, 2017)
Beauty in the Muck
It may look swampy, it may look mucky, but there is beauty in the muck if you just enjoy the sun casting shadows and reflections of blue sky. (Image from: Houston Arboretum & Nature Center, December, 2015)
All to Myself
Part of me wonders if the little Snoopy is lonely, but with the smile on its face and outstretched arms, I’m really thinking he is happy no one is around. Yup, the tiny Snoopy has the entire bench to himself!