Category: The Daily
Good Luck Getting Shade
Sure, you might head to the beach and think you might be able to get some shade from a tree. Not this tree. (Image from Punta Cana, Dominican Republic – 2015)
It’s Sunday, Be Lazy
Sunday is traditionally the day of rest. Do what you can to rest, and feel free to do so in any posture you desire.
Field of Gold
The beauty of a field can come from many things, but a blue sky, some trees, and a field of gold can make any day rich.
Nice Gnome
There was this nice, little restaurant called La Pepita in Barcelona. The drinks were good, the food was tasty, but you had watch out for the gnome guarding the liquor! Yup, that gnome had some attitude! Image from: Barcelone, Spain – 2019
Dave Grohl – Foo Fighters – 1998
Ahh, Foo Fighters and Dave Grohl. Many times people will look at bands or singers of the current day and wonder who will be around in twenty or so years. I’m guessing, back in 1998, that there were many folks who would have bet a lot of money the fighters of foo would stick around.…
Let Me Out!
The stuffed toy was trying to escape! Truth be told I felt a little bad for him, so I did set him free!
Let’s Box, Mr. Bonaduce!
Goodness this picture brought back memories! Remember those days when celebrities would box other celebrities? Fine, maybe you don’t, but back in January of 1994 one of the greatest matches happened, Danny Bonaduce versus Donny Osmond! Encouraged by radio dude Jonathon Brandmeier, it was wacky as you can expect. Before and after that match, many…
Congrats Canada!
Canada has been in the news lately, at least here in the United States. Sure, there is that whole “opening the borders to vaccinated people in the US” thing. Yup, us United Staters can go vacation in the land up north. The other news, for me, was hearing the Canadian Women’s Soccer team won the…
Spooky Orb
There will come a day when taking a picture, at night, with the moon, won’t just lead to a bright orb. For now, however, sometimes those pictures just give a little more spookiness to that great big ball of reflection in the sky.
Fountain of Purple
This is just one of those photos I found kind of interesting, a fountain at a resort, bathed in purple light.